Heute haben wir mal ein ganz besonderes Format für Sie. Vor kurzem wurde ich von Patricia Dominguez im Rahmen ihres Podcasts „In the Name of Insight“ zur Bedeutung von UX Research befragt. Es war ein spannendes Gespräch, das Sie sich hier anhören können. Oder Sie klicken auf das Symbol, um zur Folge zu gelangen.
Zum Podcast:
Meine Fragen, Patis Antworten:
Hey Pati, thanks for having me on the podcast to talk about UX.
Your podcast is called “In the Name of Insight”, can you tell us something about what listeners can expect from this?
Of course, thanks for featuring me on your blog! “In the Name of Insight” is a podcast aimed to democratise the way we share knowledge in the industry and a platform to bring diverse voices to the table.
In this episode in particular we are going to dig into what UX is, why it is important and where it is headed. Beyond that, we explore the role of UX research within the context of the insights ecosystem (CX, UX, research, analytics, etc). We talk about playing the lottery, spray tanning and even identity crises, so I invite everyone to tune in and find out more.
Why are you doing this and how did you come up with the idea of creating a podcast?
“In the Name of Insight” is an outlet for me to ask questions I have about the insights industry (and beyond), learn about topics I know little about and meet wonderful people. The idea came up at a conference dinner when my friend Lauren and I decided it would be really cool to start a project in which we could bring diverse voices to the „insights table“ and chat about many different topics. Lauren is no longer a co-host, but I wouldn’t have started In the Name of Insight without her, so she was instrumental to get us going.
What do you think is missing in the insights community in terms of education, communication or media?
I think there are a lot of media and communication outlets in the insights industry that share good topics and strong voices, but often these voices come from the same people over and over. Despite how relevant and impactful these are, I do feel we are lacking diversity on this front, we need to hear from big agencies, small consultancies, one (wo)men shows, younger researchers. I also think as insight professionals, we need to always push harder to uncover business implications in the stories we are telling and strive to show the real impact that insights can have within organisations.
I know we talked about UX a lot. What do you think is important about UX? Why is it such a trending topic.
To be really honest, and if you listen to the episode you will realise it right away, I had only a vague idea of what UX and UX research was ahead of our chat. But I think it’s important because we all are users, so every-single-consumer is having an experience, either with a product, a service or an app. In a world full of possibilities and brands, it is very risky to be out in the world with an offering that does not put the user in the centre of it.
Who would be your dream guest on the podcast out of the research community? And, besides the research community, who would be the ultimate dream guest?
These are such difficult questions, if I had to choose it would be Daniel Starch, one of the pioneers of MR, for the research community and either Maya Angelou for storytelling or Christine Lagarde on the role of insights and research in the context of international development.
How can listeners make sure to know about your podcast? Where can they listen to it?
They can listen to “In the Name of Insight” on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
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