
UX Concept & UX Design

We work with you to find out which solutions are suitable for your target group and then develop concrete ideas and tangible concepts that we can test with users.

Contact us

Vitalij Malahov
Workshop Facilitator


Vitalij Malahov
Workshop Facilitator

Your success story drives us.


Relaunch Erfolg

SKOPOS NOVA helped us with a very successful relaunch of our homepage www.telekom.de. Working with SKOPOS NOVA was great – There was a real sense of professionalism throughout the process and we felt very comfortable at all times. We will continue to rely on the technical and methodological skills of Till and Juliana in future projects.

Kevin Krüger, Deutsche Telekom Privatkunden-Vertrieb GmbH,
Usability Experte, Internet Sales & Service


Holistic UX Research

The UX experts from SKOPOS NOVA always guarantee that the expectations of our customers are met and usability obstacles are taken care of. Using extensive research and market insights, they have optimized our website and improved the user-friendliness of our timetable applications.

Michael Albrecht & Hartmut Krietemeyer, Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH (MVV)


8 Concepts – 1 Prototype

The Design Sprint hosted by the SKOPOS NOVA team was very relaxed, yet super productive. It was amazing how quickly they got used to complex and unfamiliar topics. We look forward to future joint projects together.

UX Designerin
Monika Wack, BRICKMAKERS GmbH,
Product Ownerin

Air Up

UX Community “Hydration Heroes”

You (NOVA) stand above all for flexibility and speed, always being responsive and quality. With you, we have definitely found out that the 24/7 feedback channel of the community is super important and very profitable for product development

„Air Up
Elena Burth at HOLY UX, Air Up GmbH,
Consumer Insights Analyst


Relaunch Erfolg

SKOPOS NOVA helped us with a very successful relaunch of our homepage www.telekom.de. Working with SKOPOS NOVA was great – There was a real sense of professionalism throughout the process and we felt very comfortable at all times. We will continue to rely on the technical and methodological skills of Till and Juliana in future projects.

Kevin Krüger, Deutsche Telekom Privatkunden-Vertrieb GmbH,
Usability Experte, Internet Sales & Service


Holistic UX Research

The UX experts from SKOPOS NOVA always guarantee that the expectations of our customers are met and usability obstacles are taken care of. Using extensive research and market insights, they have optimized our website and improved the user-friendliness of our timetable applications.

Michael Albrecht & Hartmut Krietemeyer, Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH (MVV)


8 Concepts – 1 Prototype

The Design Sprint hosted by the SKOPOS NOVA team was very relaxed, yet super productive. It was amazing how quickly they got used to complex and unfamiliar topics. We look forward to future joint projects together.

UX Designerin
Monika Wack, BRICKMAKERS GmbH,
Product Ownerin

Air Up

UX Community “Hydration Heroes”

You (NOVA) stand above all for flexibility and speed, always being responsive and quality. With you, we have definitely found out that the 24/7 feedback channel of the community is super important and very profitable for product development

„Air Up
Elena Burth at HOLY UX, Air Up GmbH,
Consumer Insights Analyst

Selected references
Companies that place their trust in us

Telekom Deutschland GmbH
REWE digital
Vaillant GmbH


We help companies reach a new level.
Because we take a bad UX personally.